MYLÉ: Combining Modern Design And Technology To Offer a Premium Vaping Experience

10 Innovative Brands of the Year 2022

MYLÉ: Combining Modern Design And Technology To Offer a Premium Vaping Experience
MYLÉ: Combining Modern Design And Technology To Offer a Premium Vaping Experience

Entrepreneurs are always driven by their vision. Regardless of the calling, it has stood evident that personal tragedy triumphs over all reasons behind boundless motivation. Ariel Gorelik is an inspiring example of an entrepreneur who overcame a personal tragedy and channeled the energy to create an alternative to a harmful combustible cigarette. Ariel Gorelik is the CEO and Founder of MYLÉ (pronounced “my-lee”), a brand on a mission to provide a better alternative to harmful combustible cigarettes on a global scale.

Ariel suffered the loss of his beloved mother to cancer and decided to honor her by creating MYLÉ. He explains, “We are a company that provides a very safe and desirable alternative to combustible cigarettes that is pleasurable for the consumer in its ease of use, customization, durability, and safety.” MYLÉ has grown to become one of the leading safe & affordable nicotine delivery systems globally. It has been successful in setting a global market standard by offering consumers a premium vaping experience through modern design and technology.

MYLÉ has combined modern technology with scientifically based e-liquid formula, making it a world leader in the e-cigarette industry. We recently interviewed, Ariel Gorelik to understand what makes MYLÉ distinguished in the industry.

Could you describe the current scenario of the industry? Are there any notable changes that have drastically impacted the industry?

The industry has been shaped largely by regulations, or lack thereof. For example, US regulations that caused the end of the flavored pod vape products caused the rise of flavored disposable vapes in its place. Ultimately customers will always look for a wide selection of flavors in a compact and convenient vape product.

What challenges did you encounter in expanding MYLÉ on a global scale?

We have faced challenges regarding regulations worldwide that have required us to spend, in some cases, months to years achieving compliance in a given country. We have battled this by raising our standard of testing and expanding our regulatory team to include representation in various hubs serving regions across the world. Another challenge we have faced has been the vape industry growing in some cases, out of control. In that I mean that the high global demand for vape products has resulted in a growing number of black-market factories producing untested and unregulated products at a very low cost, forcing us to compete with brands that may exist today and be gone tomorrow. In this case, we have had to remain patient, educate consumers on proper testing associated with quality products such as ours, and stay the course, as our identity has always centered around longevity in the industry.

What are the distinguishing factors that make MYLÉ’s services the best in the industry?

Unlike our competitors, we offer several product options, all ranging in shape, style, and liquid capacity in the two most common categories of vape; Pod System and Disposables. We also service the global community with products registered and sold worldwide.

What makes the team at MYLÉ the best in the industry?

The MYLE team is the best in the industry for multiple reasons. One is the MYLE staff is a collection of individuals from all walks of life where each can be considered an expert in their particular area or department. Some staff members have grown through the ranks starting years back in an entry position, while some team members have joined with significant experience and education. Together the team forms a unique group of educated and hard-working leaders, unified in raising the MYLE brand to the highest of heights. Weekly team meetings help keep the team unified, encouraged, and consistently motivated to tackle all obstacles in our path.

MYLÉ has won several notable awards & recognition, amongst them what would be the proudest moment?

We have recently won awards for Best Brand in the Middle East, and Industry Leader in the UK. Certainly, we appreciate being recognized as an Industry leader, given our long history and contributions to innovation in the industry over the last 6 years, but winning best brand in the Middle East was particularly important given the Middle East was one region that supported MYLE from our humble beginnings and has stuck with us all the way. We are gracious to have been accepted and beloved in a region halfway around the world from where we started.

What does the future roadmap look like for MYLÉ?

Over the next few years, we anticipate massive growth, particularly in the EU, as we will be bringing several new products through the regulation process and will be making them readily available throughout Europe. Also, with the addition of our Dubai office, we plan on expanding operations in the Middle East and better servicing a region that has been paramount to MYLE’s success. Another region where the potential is endless is South America, where we foresee massive growth in the coming years. New technological advances made by our Research and Development team have put us in a position to manufacture some new cutting-edge devices that will certainly set trends in the industry for years to come.

Lastly, what are the key aspects of MYLE that make it the best company of the year 2022?

Growth and expansion come to mind first and foremost. MYLE has been able to

dominate the category of vape products for several years, though facing challenges and obstacles along the way has strengthened our brand overall and lead us to a point where in 2022 we have never been more confident in our ability to expand further and grow exponentially, and we see evidence to support that in the data. MYLE is recognized worldwide already, and in 2022 we feel like we are just scratching the surface; the opportunities are endless and the future is bright.

Quote: “As a leader in the vape industry, our goal is to set a high standard for keeping nicotine products out of the hands of underage consumers and to assist in eliminating all issues pertaining to youth vaping.”

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